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Honeymoons Galore - Powered by Honeymoon Wishes
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I have found the one whom my soul loves.
-Song of Solomon 3:4


Our story began in 2008.

Our story is one of friendship, patience, fortitude, forgiveness, resilience, hope and faith.

Our foundation is built upon our love for the Lord and the friendship that we have...our glue that keeps us together.

I call him my King and he calls me his Queen and together with God as our leader we will build a Kingdom of Love....our story is just beginning.



Hello all!


We have 5 blessings in our blended family:


Jaeden - 15yr old daughter - wants to become an Ultrasound technician and can't wait to leave the this a good thing or bad thing?  LOL

Whinter - 11yr old daughter - thinking about going to the Marines or maybe we can persuade her to the Air Force :)...she would be great as a public speaker/communications!

Shylin - 10 yr old daughter - ahead of her time...she would make a great lawyer

Will II - 2 yr son - daddy's right hand lil it's football, baseball, basketball will be the first priority!  :)  He will excel in anything he puts his mind to.

and then there is Jailana aka La La aka Kitty - 2 yr old daughter - a bundle of energy and full of entertainment...she will make us proud with whatever she does in life.


Blended families are a lot of work but with prayer and guidance anything is possible!




Two lives, two hearts
Joined together in friendship
united forever in love...


We will exchange our marriage vows


Harrisburg First Assembly of God

4100 N Progress Ave, Harrisburg


Please join us for a evening of merriment and
jubilation to celebrate of our union following our ceremony at:


Harrisburg Military Post

14th & Calder Sts.

Harrisburg, PA  17103-1297


Adult Reception Only


My beloved is mine and I am his
-Song of Songs


There is no more lovely, friendly and charming relationship, communion or company than a good marriage.
-Martin Luther